Pfirter and Oliver Rosemann - Beta 02 (Sthlm_LTD)
Ekoboy - Sola New Beginnings - Teach! (Sola)
Agency 666 - Understand Me (PTU mix) (Trip)
Client_03 - User Viewport - Love and or Hate Trigger (Astrophonica)
Enertia Sound - Broken Fragments
Deckert - A Line in the Sand (Kinesen)
Yannis PK - Alcyone - Deneb (Traum)
SpeakOf - Immortal - The Healing Tree
Bigstate - Ambitions (Another Rhythm)
Simon Doty - In Your Feelings (Knee Deep in Sound)
Marie Wilhelmine Anders - Travel (Broque)
Stazam - Egoland (Shazam)
Nick Warren and Nicolas Rada - Dead Eyes Opened (Nativ)
Martin Badder - Spirits IV - Phase (Crosstown Rebels)
DanSonic - The Heat (Artifical Acoustical Ambience Records)
The Deepshakerz - Sola New Beginnings - Broken (Sola)
World News - Descenending (Know Itself remix)
Nur Jaber - Awakened Whisperer - Young & Free (If Only)
Machinecode - Every Ones & Nothings - Flat Earth (Yuku)
Vladislav Delay - Rakka II - Rakkn (Cosmo Rhythmatic)